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My Maryland by A. Aubrey Bodine

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“America in Miniature”
by A. Aubrey Bodine

When an internationally-known photographer, endowed with a high degree of artistic ability and a deep love for the beauty and historical significance of his native state, sets out to portray his feeling with words and pictures something unusual is bound to result. This book is it.

Spread throughout its 128 pages are more than 170 of A. Aubrey Bodine’s finest pictures, selected by him as being most representative of the state of Maryland. The map which embellishes the end papers will quickly be recognized as the work of the famous Sunpapers cartoonist, Richard Q. Yardley. For more than twenty-five years the author has covered every nook and cranny of Maryland. His travels have taken him from the sun-drenched shores where the broad Atlantic laps the beaches, to the counties of the west where the Appalachians thrust their lofty heights.

He has photographed Maryland from the air and burrowed with cave explorers into the depths of her limestone caverns. He has lashed himself to a heaving boat in the Chesapeake to catch the oyster dredgers and fishermen going about their rugged work, and he has braved rain and snow and fog to capture some of his most beautiful pictures.

There is no man who has made as many pictures of Maryland and there is none better qualified to select from his gigantic collection those pictures which best represent his feelings of the beauty, the humor, the history, the heritage and tradition of Maryland and her people.

All the photographs in this book are superb examples of the photographer’s art - many have been hung in international exhibitions - and the reproductions, by the Unitone process, faithfully preserve each small detail of the original prints.

It is fortunate that this leading artist of the lens is a native of a state so rich in material as Maryland, and he has made the most of it. Often called “America in Miniature,” Maryland has rugged mountains, luxuriant farms, the magnificent Chesapeake Bay with its more than 3600 miles of coastline, beautiful rivers and historic bridges, the great seaport of Baltimore, and giant industries. All have been recorded for you to enjoy.

Camera Magazine
217 E. 25th Street, Baltimore 18, Md.

Cover picture: “O’er the Ramparts,”
Fort McHenry, birthplace of “The Star-Spangled Banner”

Quotes from Reviews:

Governor of Maryland

“Photography at its finest; Maryland at its best.”


“Finest thing of the sort I have ever seen . . the book will have a big success for a long time.”

New York Herald-Tribune

You will not find a more beautiful gift book on any of the book counters this year. A book that opens our eyes to the beauty that lies all around us is more than a mere ornament;, it really makes life better worth living.”

New York Times

“Bodine combines. the gift of a highly competent photographer . . . with the conscientiousness of a faithful reporter and the enthusiasm of an eager guide . . . All in all, it’s a book any reader will enjoy - even a non-Marylander.”

Baltimore Sun

“It is certainly a labor of love, for it shows skillfully and beautifully, in smiling moods, the fair and gentle face of Maryland . . : “

King Features Syndicate

“The book is beautiful’. . . wonderful . . . and can’t help but reflect credit on press photography as a whole.”


My Maryland certainly lives up to what America’s camera fans have come to expect from a fine photographic artist and craftsman.”

Editor and Publisher

“There are no words to describe the feeling and beauty of what Bodine has captured. At least there aren’t here. Get a copy of My Maryland and then you will understand.”


“His landscapes and seascapes are among the best we’ve ever seen-and it is certain that he loves his native state a great deal. If you are an admirer of Bodine’s work-and most lovers of beautiful photography are-then this is the book for you.”


“Bodine has produced a book that in concept and execution rivals, as few American books have ever done, the magnificent European books . . . His is the work of a pictorialist who is above all an excellent photographer.”

N. Y. World-Telegram-Sun

My Maryland, published with the best job of reproductions I’ve seen in a long time, contains many gems of information along with the swell pix. The book . . . is a bargain.”


“Bodine’s pictures give a sweeping panorama of the State, and the captions are crammed with odd bits of local lore and history. A technical perfectionist, Bodine’s photographs are famed for their superb print quality . . .

Dust jacket - back fly-leaf text:

A. Aubrey Bodine

A. Aubrey Bodine has been making pictures ever since he was old enough to handle a box camera. For the last twenty-five years his shots have been made for Baltimore's famous Sunpapers. His assignments for them have taken him into every part of the state-and many times over, for before making a picture he will often visit a spot repeatedly until he finds precisely the right light, or precisely the dramatic values he has visualized. He is now Photographic Director of the Sunday Sun Magazine.

During these years he has been a consistent exhibitor in the national and international salons and exhibitions, always with success, and has gained many awards for his work.

His largest award was a first prize of $5,000 for his picture Oyster Dredgers (page 30) in a contest sponsored by Photography which drew 52,018 entries. In a similar contest held the next year he won the second prize from among 53,554 entries. This he considers a greater achievement than the first win.

A most versatile photographer, he has pictured all types of subject matter and done it well. When the publishers of this book asked him for a more recent portrait, he turned the camera upon himself and made the self-portrait shown above.

Internationally known in both the world of photographic art and the newspaper profession, his photography is credited with bringing a new concept of artistic expression to news reporting.

Among his many awards and medals, received both here and abroad, is a Fellowship in the Photographic Society of America, presented in recognition of his ability to create beautiful pictures and his many services to photography.

Born and raised in Maryland, his feeling and affection for the State show in his pictures. His artistic approach, along with his keen sense of composition and emotional value, has earned him a position as one of the world's top photographers.

Back cover picture: Boonsboro Monument, first to be completed anywhere in honor of George Washington

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